New Year, New Resolutions!

It’s almost New Years and we all know what that means! New Year's resolutions! We all know the usual ones, read a book, be healthier, spend less money. Those are all great goals, but let’s look at them from a different direction this year!
Read a book! We’re all at least familiar with this goal whether it was ours or not, and it’s a good one to have. However, let’s look at it in a different light to see if we can make it more intriguing for everyone. Make time for yourself in which you have time to not only read a book, but to do even more than that. This makes this goal more personal, beneficial, and you’ll be even more motivated to do this thing when you’ve allowed yourself to have “me-time”. Now not only will you get to read your book, but once you're finished your resolution will carry on for the rest of the year and create a self-care routine!

Be healthier! We all know this resolution well whether it be planning to work out, start a diet, or perhaps even both! We all long to do so, but it can sometimes be intimidating. Don’t worry! We’ve all been there. This year let's keep in mind, being healthier doesn’t only mean physically. It also means mentally and emotionally. So when it comes to working out, what works is different for each and every person so find a routine that works best for you. Eating healthier doesn’t mean replacing a meal with a couple of pieces of broccoli either. Make sure you center your diet plan around what works best and sustains you and not what society makes you think is the right way to do it.
Spend less money! This is a very broad goal and perhaps one we all could work on. However, it’s best to not just give yourself a dollar amount of what you will or won’t spend, but instead budget out the ideal amounts you’ll allow yourself to spend on bills, groceries, entertainment, etc. Maybe, spending money isn’t the issue, you’d just like to spend it on something worthwhile. Try taking what money you would spend on a new pair of shoes you’ve been trying not to get and donate it or maybe even buy a pair of shoes for someone who needs them!
We’ve got this, girls!